I am not usually a fan of Avril Lavigne. I've always thought that her songs were boring and uninspiring, and that she, herself, is ignorant of the movement (punk, duh) that she tries to emulate. So can someone please tell me why I just can't seem to get "Girlfriend" (aka "Y U GOTTA B SO BAD, AVRIL?") out of my head??
This song is just so damn catchy! The lyrics are terrible (She's like so whatever?), the subject matter is lame and something I completely disagree with (I am of the opinion that women should stick together instead of pitting ourselves against each other in order to win the affection of our male oppressors), and the tune isn't exactly unique or different. But God help me, I keep finding my way over to Avril's Myspace page just to listen to it!
Featured prominently on that page is the music video for "Girlfriend". I'm not going analyze this video in depth, namely because I should be studying for my media ethics final, and because I really don't feel like it. So instead, I'm going to highlight the best/most LOL-worthy moments.
1:01 - "She's like so whatever" + the Fred Durst finger twirl. Oh lordy lordy.
1:29 - Someone PLEASE make an animation of the boob bounce, PLEASE!!
1:43 - Nice dramatic "again and again" gesture.
2:23 - The stomp and clap doesn't quite work in heels, Mrs. Whibley.
2:31 - Wut.
2:34 - I actually like choreographed dancing, but with Avril Lavigne?
2:44 - This also needs to be made into an animation.
That said, Avril looks cute with black hair.